Monthly Archives: August 2011

Tattoo Idea

I have an idea for a tattoo of two squirrels holding hands.

Infrastructure Idea

I have an idea that the game Jenga is a metaphor for U.S. policies on infrastructure. You pull blocks out of the foundation to build upward.

Movie Idea

I have an idea for a movie about a young shark that moves to the big fish city to dance in the chorus line, but keeps getting cast as the villan.

Nickname Idea

I have an idea to star referring to my bosom as my “magic beans”.

Tombstone Idea

Love Idea

I have an idea that pillows feel softer whenever you’re around.

Sauna Idea

I have idea that a small sauna is like a human Hot Pocket.

Song Idea

I have an idea for a song called “Girl (I’m wearing your sox remix)”

Cookbook Idea

I have an idea for a cookbook “55 Ways to Microwave Cold Coffee”.

Chair Idea

I have an idea to replace my office chair with a pile of puppies.

Song Idea

I have an idea for a song called “Drunk Again.”

Movie Idea

I  have an idea for a movie called “Acting a Fool” about Drew Barrymore assassinating President Bush.

Consciousness Idea

I have an idea that human consciousness is a just mean joke.

Bike Idea

I have an idea that it should be illegal to bike on the sidewalk, unless you have a loaf of french bread in your basket.

Candy Idea

I have an idea for a candy tax return play set. Kids can fill out the licorice 1040 with a pixie stix pencil and then eat their refund.